Underpass Collaboration
I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend one of the last warm days of the year than under a bridge, painting a massive underpass with two good pals/super talented muralists.
Joined by Jieun Kim and Andre Kan, we gave this underpass a nice makeover. With a job like this we had a very limited amount of time to cover a very large wall. After spending an hour prepping the surface we only had four hours to do the fun painting. Some might find this limiting and stressful but to me it was liberating! It forced me to let go and have fun experimenting. I love my big, green, blobby friend <3
October 2023
The Treasure Hunter
I was thrilled to participate in the KJBit laneway jam again. Every year they take over a Toronto laneway and fill it with murals, pairing aspiring muralists with experienced muralists. It was with this project that, exactly 2 years ago, I painted my first aerosol mural under the mentorship of Jieun Kim (whose name you see pop up a lot around here). This time around I got to be the mentor (helping Jenneen Marie kill it with her first aerosol mural)! It’s amazing what can happen in only two years when you commit yourself to an idea.
With this mural I really pushed myself to try something new and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
September 2023
Raccoon Shed
Murals can go on pretty much anything! No wall? No problem! The more utilitarian the structure the happier I am to turn it into art.
September 2023
Sing Us a Song, You’re the Piano Bird
As I was getting ready to visit some muralist friends who were painting at a neighbourhood laneway jam I got a text from one of them saying, “Bring paints! There’s a wall available”. So I did!
September 2023
Sure As Shuter
Over the last decade Toronto has been painting over our plain, boring utility boxes with rad murals. I just painted my very first one! Located at 100 Shuter Street, despite it's small stature it’s totally transformed the streetscape.
September 2023
Anemones Like This
My good pal/awe-inspiring muralist Jieun Kim brought me to Munich to be her assistant at the Hands Off The Wall mural festival. They just so happened to have some extra wall space that needed art so I got to paint my very own mural at the festival. I am officially an international muralist!
July 2023
Bird Brained
Across Munich there are legal graffiti walls where people can just show up and have a great time painting. After the Hands Off The Wall Festival wrapped up Jieun and I found ourselves at one of those walls. We had a blast painting and the people walking and biking by had a blast watching us paint.
July 2023
Evelyn Wiggins Cycle Track
My first project with StreetARToronto! I put on my safety vest and grabbed my spray paints and made my way up to the ol’ Alma Mater, York University. I joined up with a bunch of other artists to paint a series of concrete barriers that partition the bike lanes from car lanes - perfect for me, an avid cyclist.
June 2023
Lisa Frank, meet Stephanie’s imagination. I think you’ll be great friends.
Painted at the new Black Creek Assembly event space, word has it that this friendly beast will grant you a wish if you pet its magical horn.
March 2023
Raccoon Pals
A super fun collaboration with the iconic Emily May Rose, Stephanie decided to add a MEGA RACCOON to the trash panda family.
February 2023
I was so excited to get into the Junction’s Window Wonderland mural festival this past October! It’s not just any mural festival, oh no. All the murals had an interactive augmented-reality component! I collaborated with Coolearth Architecture and India-based animator Ansh Kumar to paint a mural that, while cheerful and fun, is a subversive statement on the effects of global warming. I truly could not have been paired with a more suitable team.
October 2022
Stephanie’s Summer Playhouse
I’ve been given an amazing opportunity to learn how to spray paint in a nearby abandoned building! Inch by inch I’m taking this building over with art. I’ll be joined by several amazing graffiti and muralist friends who will tach me some tricks along the way. You can see videos of my progress on my shiny new TikTok page.
Spring/Summer 2022
Family Portrait Garage Mural
Each character represents one of the family member in the household. Isn’t it charming?! Painted halfway between my apartment and my studio I love that I get to pass it by all the time.
September, 2022
Intangible Adorations Caravan
In the summer of 2022 Mighty Brave Productions invited me to paint the backdrop to their traveling caravan show. I painted four panels, each 4’x7’, depicting the characters in the play. Inspired by old circus posters, the backdrop subverted the traditional “freak show” aesthetic and to depict the characters as powerful and awe-inspiring.
Summer 2022
I was invited to take part in KJ Bit Collective laneway mural jam in autumn 2021! It was thrilling. You can visit my ‘Emergence’ mural at 34 Pelham Road, Toronto.
October 2021
Rock ‘N Roll Fantasy: A Paint-By-Number Mural
Back in the “before times” the Wavelength Summer Music and Art Festival took a chance on a crazy idea: an interactive paint-by-number mural. As someone who has made a lot of art and organized a lot of events, when I say this is probably the most successful project I’ve ever created I really, REALLY mean it. People LOVED painting this mural. It didn’t matter their age or artistic background, everyone had an amazing time contributing the the art. I was so excited to create more paint-by-number murals but there was a little hiccup in 2020 that put things on hold. Finally the project is back on track and I’m enjoying creating more of these unique art experiences!
August 2019