Stephanie’s Latest Newsletter!
January 4, 2024
Happy New Year, my friends!
I've been reflecting on 2023 and all the amazing art I had the privilege to create and show. For those of you who don't know, I spent many years working in the film industry, trying (but rarely succeeding) to balance film work with art work. The pandemic was a real wake-up call for me. I didn't realize how skewed that balance had become and how much of myself I had given up for the film world. I made the very scary decision to not go back and commit 100% of myself to my art. I've had to hustle 1000 times as hard and in 2023 I started seeing the results of that hustle.
This year I participated in:
Fourteen gallery shows including two solo exhibits
Showed work in four countries
Had art in Nuit Blanche, The Artist Project, Fashion Art Toronto, Do West Fest, the Geary Art Crawl, Trampoline Hall, and The Other Art Fair in New York City
Made two big, interactive, pun-based treasure hunts
Live-painted at four festivals/events
Had so many studio visits
And painted sixteen murals. Sixteen!
Let's look back at some of the highlights.
I kicked off the year with a bang at Northern Contemporary Gallery with "The Art of Intervention: The collective urban interventions of Shari Kasman, Martin Reis and Stephanie Avery". The show was half retrospective of our collective mischief-making and half showroom for our Parkdale Provincial Park project.
2023 was the year of the mural! After spending the summer of 2022 honing my skills in my playhouse project, an abandoned building I had permission to practice spray painting in, and a project for which I received a Canada Council for the Arts skill development grant, I really hit the ground running! I painted sixteen of my own murals this year, four of which were international, plus assisted on some other awesome projects, plus did a bunch of fun live painting.
See all the murals here.
I particularly love designing my interactive paint-by-number murals. I rarely get the opportunity to create these, which is a darn shame because people love painting them SO MUCH. I couldn't have been happier when the Boys and Girls Club/Hershey's Canada approached me to design one for Pink Shirt Day. Here's some very cute press with the mural in full swing.
It was a great year for puns. I organized a pun workshop/round-table pun competition and ran two big pun-based treasure hunts: Walking in a Winter Punderland, a winter-themed treasure hunt for the Geary Winter Art Crawl, and Here Comes the Pun, a music-themed treasure hunt for the Wavelength Summer Thing. See the whole musical treasure hunt here!
I was particularly honoured to have my large AdHack paintings included in Fashion Art Toronto. This body of work can be critical of the nefarious aspects of the fashion industry and I really respected that FAT was open to including them in their ongoing conversation about fashion, art and self-expression.
In 2022 I made 'Showroom' for the Geary Art Crawl. It was an interactive art installation about culture and gentrification that was an open-air condo showroom made out of salvaged wooden condo ads. 'Showroom' managed to be poignant, funny and functional. In 2023 I remounted the project not once but twice! 'A Cave in the City' was a three-person show at La Mashu Artspace that contrasted an old Toronto in which artists were able to thrive with a dystopian future-Toronto in which culture and creativity can no longer afford to exist. In a sad and ironic twist that was La Mashu's final show. Right before it started they were given notice that their building had been sold and their rent was tripling. On the other end of the spectrum I also exhibited 'Showroom' at Nuit Blanche, Toronto's annual all-night art spectacular. As one of the city's flagship art events, it attracts over a million visitors and shows the importance (and profitability) of the arts. Yet, despite branding itself as a city that supports the arts, it is increasingly difficult for artists to live here.
Speaking of development and gentrification, I teamed back up with my Parkdale Provincial Park crew to create an intervention about just that. Not too far from me there's a little street full of houses that have been emptied and boarded up for some massive new condos. We painted silhouettes depicting the departed residents going about their everyday lives. Not exactly a critique of redevelopment but, rather, a question of access, equity, and what happens to communities when they are wrenched apart to make way for developers. The project garnered quite a bit of press including finally getting an article (that slightly missed the point) in the much coveted Toronto Sun
For years now people have been telling me I need to get my AdHack paintings to the States. So I did! In November I took to the road and showed my work at The Other Art Fair in New York City. TOAF is all about featuring awesome, unconventional art work so not only did I fit right in, I was in amazing company. I had a fantastic time, met some awesome people and got me some American art credibility.
Which finally brings me to one of my coolest projects of the year, my new lenticular prints. People always want to know what my ad paintings looked like before I added my improvements. Now, thanks to the magic of science, they can! Tilt the lenticulars from side to side and they'll transform before your very eyes. I made them for New York City and they were a huge success! And now I've finally put them in my website shop. Here's a link to see the transformations in action.
Thus concludes the highlights of an awesome year that was full of art! I can't wait to see what 2024 brings.
June 7, 2023
Happy first hazy days of summer, my friends!
Here's a handful of my notable art happenings to fill your days with joy.
1. Earthly Delights opening, June 8 - TOMORROW!
2. Live Painting at DoWest Fest, June 10-11
3. Summer studio open house, June 25
4. Department of Civilian Arts, July 13-15
5. Garage Door Summer Mural Special
1. Earthly Delights opening, June 8 - TOMORROW!
I'm not sure how June 8th is suddenly tomorrow so I apologize for the late notice. Earthly Delights is a collection of old and new work, much of which has never been shown before. Don't worry if you can't make it to the reception, the show is up for the entire month of June!
Dirty Laundry, 808 Dundas West, 7-10 (or 7 am to 11 pm daily for the rest of the exhibit)
2. Live Painting at Do West Fest
Do West Fest is my second favourite street festival (obviously Geary, home of my studio, is number one). I'm super excited to be live-painting again. My spray paint skills have improved so much since last year's festival and I can't wait to show them off.
Reply to this email if you want to know my exact location and I'll let you know as soon as I know.
June 9-10 (painting happening on the 10/11), Dundas Street from Shaw to Lansdowne
3. Summer studio open house
All Ours Studios is opening its doors for a delightful open house. Join my studio-mates and I for art, bonfire, snacks, and friendship.
June 25, 62 Geary, 3-9
4. Department of Civilian Arts
I'm giddy to be showing my paintings AND my photography at this 3 day festival of art and culture! Tickets aren't actually necessary for the opening art exhibition on July 13 (but I still recommend going to the whole event. It's going to be bonkers!).
July 13-15, Black Creek Assembly, 131 Mccormack Rd.
5. Garage Door Summer Mural Special
I'm offering a sweet deal on garage door murals. I've only been promoting in my neighbourhood but since you're on my mailing list you're very special and also get to find out about the deal. (Limited murals available and you need to be in the GTA or in Ottawa and available between June 22 and 25).
That's it for now. But the season is young. I'm sure there are many more fabulous art adventures to come!
March 23, 2023
Hello my spring chickens,
I have lots of fun news that will uplift you just as much as these first days of spring!
1. A Good Pun Is Its Own Reword - Pun presentation and group pun-off, March 23
2. The Artist Project, April 13-16
3. Fashion Art Toronto, April 27-30
4. Murals Galore!
5. Treasure Hunts!
1. A Good Pun Is Its Own Reword
On March 23 I'm hosting a live pun talk and a group pun-off! Learn about the art of puns and test your new knowledge in a group round-table pun-off.
Dirty Laundry laundromat/gallery, 808 Dundas West, 6:30-8. Free!
2. The Artist Project
I'm excited/terrified to be back at the Artist Project! I have some awesome new paintings that I can't wait to unveil. You can find me in booth 507. Come say hi!
April 13-16, Better Living Center, Exhibition Place. You can use the code ARTISTSS23 for 20% off tickets.
3. Fashion Art Toronto
So much of my work is about exploring the complicated relationships we have with capitalism, consumer culture and the beauty industry. I'm thrilled that Fashion Art Toronto appreciates this conversation and will be exhibiting a series of my large ad paintings during fashion week!
April 27-30, Black Creek Assembly Hall, 131 Mccormack Rd.
4. Murals Galore!
In the last month alone I have created four new murals! FOUR!!! What a thrill. If you're interested in getting a mural of your own you'd better book now - if this past month is any indication of my summer schedule I am going to fill up fast.
I designed this interactive paint-by-number mural for the Boys and Girls Club anti-bullying Pink Shirt Day event! It made the news! I'm famous!
I collaborated with the iconic Emily May Rose on this beauty. It's one of many new murals for the next Department Of Civilian Dance rave on April 15.
I also painted this unicorn rainbow fantasy for the rave! It's hard to tell from the photo but I couldn't be prouder of the crisp lines I spray painted. All the practice I did last summer really paid off.
And just this past Monday and Tuesday I painted an under-the-sea mural for "Cruise Week" at the Port Credit Retirement Residence! It's the cutest!
5. Treasure Hunts!
It's been years since I've organized one of my neighbourhood-wide treasure hunts and I forgot how much fun they are. Thankfully the Geary Art Crawl welcomed "Walking in a Winter Punderland: A pun-based treasure hunt" with open arms. So many people of all ages had a blast solving the clues, laughing at the puns and finding the treasure. I would love to make more of these! Think of me if you want something unique at your next event.
That's all for now. Until next time, have a beautiful day!