The Museum of Bad Gifts:
Call for bad gifts, registration deadline December 21, 5pm:
All are invited to loan ta bad gift you’ve received (or a representation of that gift in the form of a photo or illustration) along with an explanation of why the gift was so bad. The explanation should be legible on paper sized at a maximum of 5.5”x8.5”
Please fill out this form to register your gift:
There is a $5 hanging fee per bad gift.
Bad gifts must be dropped off at Northern Contemporary between noon and 6pm on December 20 or 21
Bad gifts must be picked up on January 7 between noon and 6pm. Alternatively, if you don’t want the gift back, it can be auctioned off to someone who will actually appreciate it, with the proceeds going to the Daily Bread Foodbank.
Note: Bad gifts are completely subjective. Bad gifts are not exclusive to the holiday season. At the Museum of Bag Gifts, we believe all bad gifts should be celebrated equally.
Museum details:
Northern Contemporary Gallery
420 Roncesvalles Avenue
December 26 - January 6
Opening reception January 26, Boxing Day, 6-10 pm
Behold the glory of a bad gift! Be it given out of obligation, wild misjudgements in character, or pure apathy, bad gifts hold a special place in our hearts and in our homes. We feel compelled to keep these gifts, even though we don’t want, like, or need them. The Museum of Bad Gifts will put bad gifts in center stage as we celebrate their glorious awkwardness, the chaos of holiday consumption, and the rituals of giving/receiving.
The Museum of Bad Gifts is curated by Stephanie Avery, Shari Kasman, Martin Reis, and Sean Martindale.